Re: INDEX & MATCH not providing expected OUTPUT
Hey @NCNWIncData Before trying any other modifications to your formula, please try adding the Search_type to your formula. Personally, I consider this a mandatory field even though it is written as o…1 · -
Re: Formulas to Calculate Dates/Duration
Hey @rmc0030 Yes, the AVG would work for each of your durations, for example: =AVG([Stage 1 Duration]:[Stage 1 Duration]) If you have an extreme outlier that is skewing the average, you can also use …1 · -
Re: How to get Join Collect formula to work
Hey @Dakjoekipe Try this: =JOIN(COLLECT(Task:Task, [Predecessor Helper]:[Predecessor Helper], CONTAINS([Row # Helper]@row, @cell)), " , ") The " ," at the end is the delimiter - t…1 · -
Re: What is wrong with this formula?
Hey @Kim Shaddix I wasn't certain if your criteria meant if any of the approvals were Pending to show Pending, or to do the Approvals from left to right and whatever the non-blank right-most approval…1 · -
Re: How to create formula for date > 30 days, based on certain column values?
Hey @Not so formula savvy I was able to replicate your error. Try this: =IF(ISTEXT([Finance ASSIGN Date]@row), "", IF(AND(ISDATE([Finance ASSIGN Date]@row), TODAY() >= [Finance ASSIGN Da…1 ·